EnerHarv begins in


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Save the Date:
The Third International Energy Harvesting Workshop, EnerHarv 2024 is to be Held In-Person in Perugia, Italy, 26-28 June, 2024

Building on the notable successes of EnerHarv 2018 & 2022 (no event in 2020 due to COVID), PSMA is delighted to announce the date and venue for EnerHarv 2024, its biennial international workshop on energy harvesting and related technologies for experts and users. It will be hosted by the University of Perugia and located at the Perugia Congress Centre at Hotel Giò.

In accordance with the initial vision of PSMA’s energy harvesting committee, the event provides an opportunity to share knowledge and best practice with the world’s brightest minds in energy harvesting, energy storage, micro-power management and applications. You’ll have the opportunity to learn from industry leaders, network with fellow professionals, and see live demonstrations of cutting-edge technology.

The EnerHarv 2024 Workshop Committee is led by General Chairs Roberto La Rosa (STMicroelectronics) & Mike Hayes (Tyndall) as well as Technical Chairs Francesco Cottone (UNIPG) & Brian Zahnstecher (PowerRox). The committee is an international group of experts from industry and academia in energy harvesting and related technologies. It is supported by a strong team of technical sponsors including the IEEE Power Electronics Society (PELS), IEEE Electronic Packaging Society (EPS), EU projects LoLiPoP IoT & UBIGIoT, US Center for Advanced Self-Powered Systems of Integrated Sensors and Technologies (ASSIST), Energy Harvesting Network, Simon Fraser University and the China Power Supply Society (CPSS).

The event has been timed to overlap with the annual NiPS Laboratory Energy Harvesting Summer School on June 24-26th (details to be announced) so there is a fantastic opportunity for early-career professionals to participate in both events.

University of Perugia is part of the National Interuniversity Consortium for Nanoelectronics (IU.NET) which develops micro- and nano-electronic components for power devices, sensors, energy harvesting and energy storage.

Contact bz@powerrox.com or michael.hayes@tyndall.ie at PSMA for further details and monitor our website for updates on keynotes, speakers, agenda, etc.

Roberto La Rosa, General Chair
Mike Hayes, General Co-chair
Brian Zahnstecher, Technical Co-chair
Francesco Cottone, Technical Co-chair

EnerHarv Overview

‘A focal point for a community of experts and users of energy harvesting & related technologies to share knowledge, best practices, roadmaps, experiences and create opportunities for collaboration’

What are the key drivers for this workshop?

  • By 2025 we need to power a trillion sensors [source McKinsey]
  • Wireless sensors need battery changes – we need where possible to use regenerative power to avoid this
  • Energy harvesting component designers often do not understand how to optimise system level performance
  • The ambient energies available are often unknown
  • Industrial IoT (internet of things) device developers need to reduce power consumption to extend battery life and potentially self-power
  • The conversation has moved to “How can I take advantage of this technology?”
  • We need to deliver an energy harvesting ecosystem roadmap to guide and accelerate development
  • We need to bring a community of experts together to address these issues and opportunities

What will I see & do at the workshop?

  • Demonstrations from leading industry and academic developers
    • Materials, devices, systems, visualization and simulation tools
  • Examples of successful Energy Harvesting products already created
  • Network with developers and (potential) users and integrators of energy harvesting materials, devices and systems
    • Discuss their demos
    • Understand where the technology is going
    • Identify opportunities and bottlenecks
    • Scope out collaboration opportunities
    • Share best practices

EnerHarv 2018 and EnerHarv 2022 proceedings now made FREE and OPEN to public!!!


NiPS Laboratory, Physics and Geology Department, University of Perugia